Saturday, February 4, 2012

Meet Maximus

Meet the newest addition in the family, Maximus. We call him Max for short. My SIL has two toy fox terrier and this is the second time the female has litters and she gave us one.
Mr. Burrito is very protective of him.  He wanted to get a guinea pig as a pet but we said that the  puppy that Tita Chris is giving us will be his.
We name him Maximus because we love the  character of the horse (named Maximus) in the Tangled movie.  We also love  Maximus from the Gladiator movie. 
This is how he sleeps, he bury his face  in his legs.
“Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in our own sunshine”
-Henry Ward Beecher-
Champ, isn't very happy  about Maximus and he doesn't  like him at all.  Maybe because they are both male so he doesn't like the competition.  He is fine dealing with female dogs but not male ones.

33 travelers' comments:

Marana said...

cute little pup. I hope we can have a pet too. Visiting for MM! Me,Myself and My Shoes

w0rkingAth0mE said...

my bago pala addition sa family how cute =)

sexyjessie said...

Ohhh, I see jealously in your dogs. Geez, I wish that Im able to keep dogs in my apartment.

mypinkprettiesaboutme said...

What a cutie. Enjoy him.



LV said...

All children love pets. You picked a great for your little ones.

Dhemz said...

whoaaaaa...yan pala ang bagong cute!

si Rye at Ej parang twins tingnan...:) love the name sis.

Czjai said...

Maximus is a cutie! :)

robin. said...

shadows surrounding the puppy. cute shot.

Kelly said...

Maximus is so cute! (and such a big name for him to grow into) I hope Champ welcomes him soon. Love that last photo and the one of him in the stroller.

Anonymous said...

Stunning compositions!
Thank you!

Carletta said...

I love the Tangled movie. Your little Maximus has huge hooves to fill. :)
As I read down the post I wondered about Champ -hopefully he'll come around soon.

Ralph said...

Champ will learn to love the newest member of your home - in fact, Champ will be very protective of Maximus, and will give him lessons in how to be a good dog!

Anonymous said...

What a cute puppy!

Cassie said...

Oh Max is adorable and he does cast a nice shadow too! I hope that the 2 pooches soon get along. Sometimes it takes awhile for the alpha dog to adjust to the interloper. Happy SSS!

Dianne said...

he's a sweetie
love his name

Prettymom said...

cute little doggie, visiting for Mommy Moment, i hope to see you at

momto8 said...

my kids are begging for a Maximus! I think this spring..Your pictures are convincing me in their favor!
I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

SquirrelQueen said...

Max is adorable. He will make a great addition to your family and I know he will be loved.

Happy Weekend.

Tal | ThePinayWanderer said...

cute doggie! and beautiful and adorable kiddos! :)

Anonymous said...

Kids look happy!
I'd love to have a dog but I'm too busy to take care of one...and I want to be free to travel - a dog is like a child but never moves out :)

Kate said...

Your children look like they are in puppy heaven!

Soggibottom said...

Ah, bless his paws, he's a little sweetie :-) luv's Freya Rose Blossom X

Ingrid said...

What a sweetie ! the kids must be happy !

i beati said...

great choice

ShannonW said...

Such a cute puppy! Great family!

Thanks for visiting.

Anonymous said...

Oh, he is sweet!

Cheryl said...

What a cutie!

Rajesh said...

Very cute. More fun time.

TexWisGirl said...

yeah, my (neutered) male dog would not be happy about another male around - no matter how small or young. :)

Linda said...

Cute photos - the kids look like they are really happy with the pup! Thanks for visiting my blog!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Adorable photos! But my favourite is the last one with all the deep shadows!

Thanks for the quote! I will add it to the SSS2 database and link to your post!

eden said...

He is cute.

Chris said...

wow, another pup for the kids! well, i hope that the dogs like each other and be friends for everyone's sake :D happy mommy moments! happy valentine's day too!

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