Friday, August 17, 2012

Elephant Ride

We sat at the bench and  enjoyed watching the  ducklings before the Burritos  went for an elephant ride at Kennywood Park.
Not literaly the kind of elephant that you have in mind but this mechanical elephant ride hehehe
Kennywood Park is a  good place to go if you have kids who love thrills and excitement.

37 travelers' comments:

Fashion Momma said...

How fun!

My Blue.

Ralph said...

A fun day at the amusement park, fun for all ages especially for the kids riding on Dumbo - summer rubies add a fun touch to all activities...

Jessica said...

The Burritos looks had fun riding the elephant Sis Rose :-) they are too cute together :-) Returning from Blue Monday :-)

mommy Orkid Belle said...

I would love to ride one as well. This would be my kind of ride. hahahaha... The mild kiddie ride. :) So cute! :) Visiting you back mommy Rose.

Lessandra said...

what a pretty park! Elephant ride may be your blue but so are the blue park benches the burritos are sitting on :)

Lina Gustina said...

This elephant ride is also fun :)
Thanks for the visit. Have a great week too.

Meoww said...

cute kids!

Eden said...

That is so much fun to ride. I wonder how many rides both of them took..hehehe

Shela said...

HI mom! Nice day out you have, kids really had fun!! :)

Diann said...

What a fun family day!

mrsnesbitt said...

Exciting stuff! As EVER!
Denise ABC Team

Roger Owen Green said...

elephants that are lower to the ground!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Black Jack's Carol said...

I was worried when I saw your title because I love elephants and have been following for years. So happy to see your pictures, realize no elephant was disturbed in the writing of this post, and must add that your kids are incredibly cute!

lotusleaf said...

What fun!

Diane said...

I used to love those parks but have not been to one for years, maybe I should drift back to my child hood for a bit LOL Diane

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love the smiles. Such happy kids.

Magdala said...

Nice place, isn't it? Greetings from Poland and thanks for visiting my blog :-)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots, must be have been great for the kids.

Pearl Maple said...

lovely photos of a fun day out with the family

magiceye said...

Good to see children enjoying themselves!

Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend.

Maurice Lauher said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun.

LadyD Piano said...

Adorable kids and a beautiful park with a fun ride! We have "Dumbo" ride at Disneyland in SoCal. I just love the photo of the children on the blue benches with the bridge and landscape background. Great post.

Four-eyed-missy said...

Oh wow, what a glorious weather for a trip to the park! I loved park rides, too, when I was younger. Still do :)
Have a great weekend, Rose.

Inside Cambodia

Anonymous said...

Too adorable!

Ingrid said...

Lot of fun ! Nice pictures !

HansHB said...

Cute! Nice to see!

Jessica said...

beautiful park Sis Rose :-) perfect to relax after The Burritos have a fun ride :-) Dropping by from Tuesday Travels :-)

The Write Girl said...

These images made me smile. I enjoyed your elephant ride!

SandyCarlson said...

You are a loving family. Thanks for sharing the joy.

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» took the liberty of linking this to Sunday Bridges.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

hehehe, I was going to joke that the elephant might frighten the ducks.

Rosie Gan said...

You're creating a wonderful gift for your family in this journal, Rose. This post on the visit to the park will bring a smile to your children's faces when they see the photos when they're older!

Anonymous said...

Really nice photos! Looks as though the family was really having fun. Your children seem to be enjoying their time there.

Unknown said...

Beautiful photos and a lovely family. Thanks for visiting my site.

Mel_Cole said...

very nice park sis. akala ko naka-bisita na ako sa TT, waaa late na ako huhuhu sensya po..

Unknown said...

Such pretty scenes!

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