Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Missile Landmark

A quick snap I took during our last few travels in South Korea.  I wasn't sure if this is in Masan but I always want to take a photo of this one.  It's hard to get a good shot though when you are traveling in a car.  Taken using a point and shoot Sony cybershot.  Our travels in South Korea left a huge impact in our lives.  Thanks to  my husband's last tour in the Navy, we got to enjoy it before he retired.

19 travelers' comments:

HansHB said...

Great photo!
Happy SkyWatch to you!

Kateri said...

That is pretty impressive. (and not bad for having taken the photo from a moving car!)

Unknown said...

impressive! NoKor is again prepping for a long-range rocket launch...makes everybody nervous.:(

My blues

Cafe au lait said...

Great shot!


Maria @ LSS said...

Cool capture!

GranthamLynn said...

Cool shot.

Roger Owen Green said...

a tall missile!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Leslie: said...

You must have wonderful memories of your TRIP to Korea...great photo!

abcw team

Samson said...

interesting structure... nice photo

Lmkazmierczak said...

Ordinary Words....excellent shot♫

Dhemz said...

gandang remembrance to sis...:)

PhenoMenon, ABCW said...

Looks ready to fly

PhenoMenon, ABCW

Pride In Photos Beauty said...

I just can't imagine traveling across the world the way your family has. Blogging is such a wonderful past time, you can view the world thru others.
laurie @ Pride in photos

Gypsy Lala said...

Beautiful place.

Harry Snowden said...


Reader Wil said...

Happy Sky Watch!

Carver said...

Great shot. Scary looking missile.

Meoww said...

Travelling is fun! Pretty good shot from the car :)

Ingrid said...

Perfect for a picture out of the window !

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