Good morning everyone, howdy? I am forcing myself to function today as I have some tasks to write and I have to fetch my daughter to school later on. After I took a shot of nyquail last night, I was knocked out. Tat was the earliest time I went to bed (10 pm). Ms. Burrito is still coughing a little bit but she doesn't have a fever anymore. I told her to just rest for today but she wanted to go to school. Pardon me folks if I wasn't around lately in your blogs, I just don't have the power to really bloghop although I am trying.

My Nostalgia for today is about my sister Yheng (she 's with a cap on). Before my ranting, let me first greet her a happy birthday hehehe. She will be celebrating her birthday in a couple of days.
I sent her to college so that she could find a job when she graduate but after two years she told me that she wanted to quit as she wants to get a job. I told her that she should finish her college first but she said that she honesty don't think that school is for her. So I let her go because if a person does not want to help themselves there's nothing you can do right? At least she was honest enough to tell me. I was disappointed of course.
Anyhow, she went to Manila to find a job, stayed at my sister's and was jobless for about a year. Then she got hired as a tutor of a well-to-do family but after 6 months, she wrote my mother to send her some money because she wanted to go home. I was like "Whaaaaaat?" Then I have learned that she got knocked up by jobless bum. Imagine how I feel that time. She's pregnant, no husband, no job and she is going home to our home. I was furious but again nothing I can do as my Mom told me "she's a family". My concern is the additional mouth that Mama has to feed which means that I have to send her extra for it, whew.
I am sorry folks for unloading it here, I just can't help thinking about the wrong decisions that she made. When she gave birth she asked me if we could help her to go to school again, this time I said NO! I am unemployed and just earning a little online and I can't afford to send three siblings in school all together. Besides I gave her a chance before and she blew it. When we went to visit my family two years ago, I told her to concentrate on raising her kids before thinking of her own happiness as she isn't single anymore. Next thing I know, she got pregnant again and living in with a younger man with no permanent job.. sigh.
The photo above was taken at the apartment that I was renting when I was still in the Philippines. They were still very young then, fast forward for six years, two has babies already and the younger two are still in school but they have grown.