Saturday, February 19, 2011

Birthday Gifts to Mr. K.

First of all, I would like to thank all of you guys who left birthday messages for my husband.  It made his day even wonderful reading your thoughts and wishes.  Below are the gifts I bought for him at CSN.   I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sean from CSN for  giving me a chance to work for their company.
A rifle case for the  hunting gun that he bought earlier.  He is planning to go hunting next season with a friend that is why he is gearing up.
Another item I bought at CSN is the pair of hunting boots which my son adores.
He said that he is big enough to hunt too so he tried his dad's boots lol.
Alrighty folks, thanks a lot for coming by and for leaving your thoughts.  Have a great weekend!

NOT a sponsored post.

6 travelers' comments:

Ralph said...

The hills and woods of the WV panhandle and western PA are great for hunting. The solitude of the forest is fine, relaxing and beautiful. A happy birthday you have provided!

Sylvia K said...

Wishing John a very Happy Birthday -- belated though it is! Great shadow shots as always! Hope all of you have a wonderful weekend!


The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

what is it with guys, guns and boots?!! happy birthday to john...and may he have many more!

Anonymous said...

He must be thrilled over your gifts.....hehehe!
Anyway, Rose, I have an award for you, grab it on my blog.

Arija said...

Love that last shot, they do grow into dad's boots so quickly.

Gen said...

he looks great with the boos one...Happy SSS!

Mine is here

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