Friday, February 25, 2011

Sky Watch at the Cemetery

I took this shot when we visited my MIL's grave  on her birth-date two weeks ago.   My husband was smiling when I  clicked the camera because even at the cemetery I was taking photos lol.  But beautiful sight like this  is irresistible. I was hoping that a white lady or something will show up in the photo errrr.  I am just kidding folks lol.

27 travelers' comments:

alicesg said...

Nice photo for skywatch. Thanks for dropping by my blog.

Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, you were looking for a ghost, were you? I think a ghost might have spoiled the beautiful scene. The sky is wonderful.
-- K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

lazyclick said...

Great shot.

Anonymous said...

Sun, snow and the most marvellous light! Gorgeous shot.

Verna Luga said...

So beautiful Mommy Rose.. ganda ng puno... parang di sementeryo.. hehehe..

BTW, yung ko na blog... if you don't mind hehehe pa testing daw ako comment uli rose kung OK na kasi pumasok yung comment naman ni Pinx... di pa kasi ako masyado kabisado sa WP kaya ganun.. hehehe..

if di naman gaanong abala pwede yung din.. para malaman ko kung working ba yung comment.. hehehe.. favor..:)

thanks MOmmy!

Mark said...

A beautiful shot. I also became a follower of you. Have a nice weekend

Hildred said...

A great shot, - wonderful lighting.

Arija said...

That is lovely with the delicate tracery of the trees against the sky.

Carletta said...

Rose I take shots in the cemetery too. :)
Beautiful blue skies! Looking forward to seeing more of them soon. We haven't had a day that blue down this way.

sublime wanderer said...

I never thought of taking sky photos in the cemetery but hey, nice idea! Haha. Thanks for dropping by my blog. =)

Med kjæleik til livet said...

Heisan ;)
Takk for at du fant vegen inn i bloggen min ;)

Nydelige bilder og ord du har -

Smil på ein fredag fra monika

Rajesh said...

Wonderful winter shot.

Stewart M said...

The snow next to thr road looks like its been rolled up, just for the day, and at some time they will just roll it out agian!

Thanks for visiting my blog - you may also enjoy my other blog! -

Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

w0rkingAth0mE said...

i love the sky good shot :)

Lainy said...

Who could resist capturing that lovely sight? Picture perfect!

May you enjoy your weekend in grand style!



Jack and Joann said...

First, thanks for coming by my blog.
Second, where in the world is this cemetery? I would love to know.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Hi J&J, if you're asking about the cemetery in our area, well, it would be hard to describe hahaha...

Jan n Jer said...

Beautiful sky.

Carver said...

That's a lovely shot. Looks like a beautiful day for remembering your MIL on her birthday.

Karen said...

A lovely blue sky. One of my favorite images are bare trees silhouetted against the sky. I am following you now too.

jabblog said...

Beautiful bright blue sky on what must have been a cold day, judging by the snow. I can almost breathe that clear, fresh air.

Pat said...

Beautiful blue and white sky above the snowy cemetery!

Ingrid said...

Beautiful sky and why not over a cimetary ?

Francisca said...

I'm taking a deep breath of that crisp clean air! Wonderful blue sky. And hey, salamat for being my 100th! :-D

Mel Alarilla said...

Yes, how can you ignore the beauty of the sky as you took a photo of it in the cemetery. Yes, it looks so serene and peaceful. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

Beverley Baird said...

What a gorgeous sky! The cemetary looks very peaceful and lovely, even with snow.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Very beautiful scene, peaceful and serene~

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