Monday, April 11, 2011

Fun with Hat

We had fun trying on the hat that my husband used to use when he was assigned in the field somewhere( not sure) as a ground troupe.  I am glad he kept it for us to see and enjoy.  Of course  Ms. Burrito won't  fail to try it lol.
I also tried on for fun sake.
And best of all, Mr. Burrito loves to use it when we go out and play.
Military Hat is what I am sharing for ABC Wednesday this week.  Thanks for dropping by and for leaving your thoughts.  

25 travelers' comments:

♥FreakyehS♥ said...

buti pa dito hindi nawawalan ng fun time hehe daan ako bading

Dhemz said...

korek...lagi may fun...ehehehhe...pahiram nang!

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

It's a combat hat that John used to wear in the service. Great that he kept it as a souvenir and now you and your kids can try it for fun. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

Unknown said...

ako din pahiram ng hat, favorite ko ganyan, camouflage:)

Mel_Cole said...

Yep, always make me smile and feel inspired to drop by here :) keep it up rose! Yay, nag-gagardening na siya!

Roger Owen Green said...

it's nice to have a connection icon such as the hat.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

MERYL JAFFE, PhD - parent, psychologist, teacher, author... said...

I wonder if the designers of the military had envisioned all these uses.

You have a lovely family!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

That's a keeper for the hat collection and great to take out for everyone to try on!

Verna Luga said...

cool!... hehehe... makabili nga niyang 'hat' na yan.. hehehe..

w0rkingAth0mE said...

Yey, hat for all heheh .lovely photos.

Unknown said...

The family is fascinated with the hat, visit here bading

Jidhu Jose said...

so cute

Sylvia K said...

Fun post for the day and the kids are so cute as always! And, as always, you have great photos and ones with lots of smiles -- the very best of all!

ABC Team

{krista} said...

awesome hat!

magiceye said...

cool take on the theme

Beverley Baird said...

Great choice for M. The children look great in the hat!

Rajesh said...

Wonderful shots. Fun for all.

Jennifer Bowen said...

Nice take on this week's ABC Wednesday challenge. You and your daughter both look great in that hat. Very cute indeed! =)

Leslie: said...

Cool hat!

abcw team

Chie Wilks said...

that's a nice military fits sa inyong tatlo ah..

jabblog said...

Hats are always fun to try on:-)

Carver said...

Hats are so much fun. Great family shots.

Ingrid said...

Nice against too much sun !

mommy to many said...


Granny Smith said...

Hat plus cute kids makes a delightful post!

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