Monday, May 16, 2011

Sunday is a Bliss

Sunday is always a bliss for us because we get to see Bumble Bee in the church.  I don't babysit her anymore so we miss having her in our laps.  Glad we got to bond with her and established trust in her young mind.  Her parents told us that she's very aloof to people but not us.  She knows us like her family.
Sunday is a bliss because we also get to bond with my FIL for a longer time than usual.  On regular days we only stayed there for  30 minutes to an hour but during Sundays, we make sure to stay two to three hours.
Sunday is a bliss because the kids plays with Pap and hubby and I has some moments for ourselves without "Mom or Dad please get me this and that..." kind of things lol.
This particular Sunday, Mr. Burrito was asleep so our attention w as all on Ms. Burrito.
She love  bonding with Pap.  It's funny to  listen to them talking because Ms. Burrito talks like an adult  hahaha.
Since it is a pure bliss, giving a kiss is also part of the day....  wink...
When Mr. Burrito woke up, we did a family weigh in.  Hubby  promised that this is his last day of  eating what he wants, he weighed 192 lbs which is heavy for his height.   He will start his diet tomorrow because he  definitely need to trim down a bit.  I gained two pounds wahhhh.  I am now 97 lbs which is originally 95, whew.  Ms. Burrito is just one pound (she weighed 38 lbs) heavier than Mr. Burrito(37 lbs).
Did I mention that I gave the  men  a haircut last Friday?  Yes I did!  It's their summer haircut lol.
I have cramps because of my PMS but it's overshadowed with the fact that I am surrounded with the love of my life.  Hope your Sunday is a bliss too just like ours.  Oh I forgot to say that Sunday is a bliss because we got to thank God of the things that we  have, I hope you did too!  I even thanked him that I have a cramp because it means that I can still feel pain and that I am alive and capable of  doing and feeling things.

23 travelers' comments:

Techie She said...

wow! you're just 97 lbs sis... me i still have to lose the fats, i mean the weight, that i gained when I was pregnant with BBG. i'm at 100lbs right now.... :-(

4 Lettre Words said...

Such a beautiful family!

xinex said...

Great blissful post, Rose. 97 lbs and you are worried? I better keep my weight a secret. But of course, I understand and speak Tagalog fluently. I even speak Kapampangan too. You have a wonderful family!...Christine

Kim, USA said...

Wow Mommy Rose sa college ko lang ang weight yang 95 lbs and that was 26 years ago lol!!! Happy weekdays ahead!! Thanks sa bisita!

Mia Dela Cruz-Soriano said...

OMG! If you only know sis how much I weigh! You will definitely count your blessings! Hahaha!

Love the post, sis! Love the photos even more! I love seeing the bond between Pap and Rylie too. So precious!

Rebecca said...

Sounds like a wonderful day spent with those you love-and I agree-we need to thank God for all our blessings!

SmilingSally said...

My, my, you ARE tiny! Thanks for sharing your blues.

Happy Blue Monday, Rose.

Dhemz said...

you are so bliss talaga badingding! naks naman! buti kapa less than 100lbs lang...ako, secret!!

spinninglovelydays said...

Great pics! How uncanny! I think my daughter has the same dress, only in blue and grey. I'll post a pic on my blog sometime if I am right. xoxo

genny said...

what a blissful day. nice shots. :-)

Mel Alarilla said...

What wonderful photos you shared with us. It is indeed pictures of bliss in your family that includes your FIL. That was indeed a very romantic photo that was highlighted by a warm kiss reminiscent of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, hehehe. Nothing beats bonding with your family especially on a Sunday. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

The French Hutch said...

Beautiful family and your blog is adorable. I like that your hubby is Navy, my Daddy was too, WW11. Thank you for what you both do, my gratitude to your hubby.

The French Hutch

Eden said...

Nice shots. Saya ng Sunday nyo. Kami dito lang sa bahay doing some repairs. Pretty busy weekend for us.

Lina Gustina said...

Love seeing your photos. I agree, that are lots of things that we can feel grateful every day...

Katie said...

Beautiful Family photos!!

Spray Paint Queen

Verna Luga said...

Hi Rose, been out of circulation lately.. wow, so sweet naman.. was here quick.. need to buy gatas.. waahh

Azumi's Mom ★ said...

Sunday is indeed a family day :) Ang cute naman ni bumble bee.. kailan kaya masusundan si EJ

Goodluck sa diet :) for me, pumayat ako sa kakalakad pero super kain pa rin ako :)

Clarissa said...

I love your family bonding,Ate Rose!To see those happy faces,happy family^_^

wag mo rin akong tanungin sa weight ko lol^_^

Cildemer said...

Very nice family shots!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Have a nice and happy day****

real lady said...

Lovely blissful day you had. Great share.

Chie Wilks said...

it's nice to spend Sunday in church and then with the family. That's a cute looking hat mommyRose.

jared's mum said...

i simply love all of your photos mommy!you sure had a great mommy + me bonding time + your children are so beautiful! :)

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

What a wonderful Sunday! And, I just love the porch!

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