Wednesday, June 29, 2011

X & Y

The letter for this week's ABC Wednesday reminds me of the subject that I wasn't fond of in College, the Algebra where X&Y are always present. Oh, I was horrible at this subject.  It's the only subject where I got a low grade of 77 wahhh, it was a bummer as my grades were 80 and up.  

Anyhow, I am sharing these set of display items that I bought in Korea.  I was busy fi-X-ing it this morning using multi purpose cement glue.  These were broken together with other stuff when our son tried to climbed to our corner piece of furniture full of display items. 
The remains...
Here's after  fixing  one of the vases and the basket.  You can still see where I glued them back together.  See, this is kinda like  solving the X & Y of algebra hehehe.
Hubby told me to just throw it away, that it's not worth fiXing  it but I couldn't, as it holds a sentimental value for me.  I hid the  flaw of the basket by putting some artificial flowers inside it.
Whatcha think?

Badge Design By Troy
Hey guys,  please join my Nostalgia, the linky is up now.

20 travelers' comments:

Anonymous said...

Di na halata.....hehehehe! I broke one of my precious elephants and I fixed it by using cement glue. It took me an hour to finish it. Though up close, makit-an jud nimo na naay buak pero di nahalata kung layo.

Roger Owen Green said...

they are eX lovely pieces, I'll bet.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Wanda said...

Beautiful, you did a great job fiXing them.

Gigi Ann said...

They are lovely, and with the flowers hiding the flaws, they look as good as new.

I remember the days of young ones around the house, it seemed everytime I turned around something was falling to the floor. I finally went to wood lamps and anything else I could find that was cute in wood.

Unknown said...

What a clever idea to glue it back together. The flowers truly concealed the broken basket vase. Happy a good day dear! :)

Unknown said...

I showed husband the picture of the broken stuff bading para ma understand nya na part sa life ng kids to break stuff. justine broke our galss table today and hindi pa naka pvercome si joe kasi it's a family heirloom and thats the only piece in our place na nagmumukhang bahay itong place namin hehehehe

purethoughts said...

eXcellent sis! haha. hirap naman ng x parang xylophone and x-ray lang ma isip ko. lol. thanks for joining again this week and good job on the gluing! :)

Lainy said...

Simply beautiful, Rose!

Nagbabalik si ako, hehe! I have been in hibernation for quite a while.

I am back with my very early Nostalgia post, hihihi!

Here it goes:

Kindly link it up as usual, Rose.

Thanks mucho!


jlshall said...

You did a wonderful job of putting it all back together - it looks great. I was never good at algebra either, or any kind of math for that matter.

This was an eXcellent post for "X" day!
~ Joy @ Joysweb

Unknown said...

I am extremely impressed with your fixit skills!
I would have given up before even trying....
ABC Wednesday Team

Ingrid said...

Wow ! and Xtraordinary puzzle !!

magiceye said...

great job!

cool takes on the theme!

Mel Alarilla said...

I also hate Algebra because, just like you, I also got 77 there which, together with another 77 in Trigonometry, disqualified me from graduating with honors in college although I was a consistent full scholar since my second year in college. You really value items with sentimental values because you opted to fix the broken vases. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

Sushma Harish said...

cool- sure good idea for the X theme. iam on your followers list on ur other blog. do check out to follow me back on sushamsgallery.blogspot
excellent photos u have on ur blog. awesome. and the pool at ur bil's home. fabulous u r lucky.

Anonymous said...

Some people are "glued" to their collection. My better half for instance. But me... I come under ur hubb's category. If its broken, throw it away...

Pheno Menon

Rajesh said...

Great job. You have put them together beautifully.

""rarejonRez"" said...

Uh oh! Those broken pieces make me sad. :( Sayang kasi eh, ang gaganda nila! :)

My share of whites for this week:
The Castle Made of Buttons
Winter Memory
Hope to see you at mine! :)

Carver said...

I think you did a good job fixing them.

rmsnotaryservice said...

I think you did a good job! But, I thought Filipinos dont keep broken things ... "malas" reasoning? anyway, dropping by for Wednesday white theme

Shengkay said...

Good job mommy!

Angl ikot ni Burrito Iris nga eh..

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