Monday, August 8, 2011

Dizzy Rides

Our daughter love fast rides and I am glad about that because I am the contrary. Ms. Burrito is like her Dad but Mr. Burrito is like me, I get dizzy so easily when riding a fast ride especially when it drops down or twist so fast.  I am not good with those kinds of ride but for the sake of the children and I don't want to be called a party pooper, I tried riding with them on this log ride (forgot what it was called).  
This is actually a tall and steep one.  It was neat on top as it shows the cartoon character of the movie Brer Rabbit which my kids love.
I really did not like the finale of this ride as it was so steep  and I felt like my heart sank and forgot to breath lol.
We all got wet on this one especially my husband and  Mr. Burrito because they sat on the first seat.  Me and Mommy Dhemz sat on the fourth one.  Imagine how hard we screamed hahaha.
And then after we got out from that wet adventure, we went to this one which looked like a train so we thought that it's just a slow ride that will take us somewhere.  Oh no, we were wrong because this one is a roller coaster actually wahhhhh!  Below is a photo where all of us were wet.  My son was walking around Disney  with water dripping 
It was too late when I learned that it's a roller coaster, if I could have known, I won't ride for sure lol.  Oh Disney, you made me so Dizzy lol!

29 travelers' comments:

Mark said...

looking haunted..but i guess it's fun to be there..

visiting from Orange Tuesday..

Unknown said...

both families looked like had a lot of fun.
if i have to ride a roller coaster, i'll be noxious the whole week:)

Lina Gustina said...

I can imagine the real situation :)
I'll scream and get dizzy, too

carol l mckenna said...

Neat Photos ~ What a ride!

namaste, Carol ^_^ (Share the Creative Journey) visiting from Ruby Tuesday ~

ZehnRe said...

i want to ride it too. it sounds fun.

Visiting from Orange Tuesday.

January Zelene said...

cool photos..:)

Visiting from OT here's mine BBW Hand Sanitizer and Shape Sorter

Ingrid said...

Not even 10 horses could pull or push me on that thing ! I would be sick ! But the kids enjoy it !

Mika said...

I love theme parks! That must be a very great family day for you :)

Gigi Ann said...

It sounds like you all had a fun day at the park. Thanks for sharing your fun with us today.

Kathy said...

I can relate with you. I heart starts beating fast just thinking about roller coasters!

Have a delightful day!

Live2cherish said...

So darn jealous. I wanna dizzy ride now :(

Leslie: said...

It looks like fun from a distance but I wouldn't want to ride it. I remember going on Space Mountain, not knowing it was a roller coaster in the dark. My youngest was in the front seat with me and both of us almost threw up. We had to get ginger ale to settle our stomaches and I learned my lesson. I think "It's A Small World" is about my speed. lol

abcw team

Chronicles of Illusions said...

looks like great fun - cool photos

xinex said...

Oh what a fun log ride!...Christine

Verna Luga said...

nyahahaha, nagbonamine ka na sana lol.. di bale enjoy naman :) dropping by Rose. :)

nuts said...

oh, i can hear your screaming but sure it was fun.. :))

janakidiary said...

this looks like fun. Is it higher than the log jam in Enchanted Kingdom ?

Christina, Sweden said...

looks as you had a great time. we have a similar wooden thing in a funfair in Gothenburg, sweden

Animor said...

The kids surely enjoy the fun moment there. I like the design of the place. What a great family adventure.

Mel Alarilla said...

I would not want to take those fast rides too. They make you dizzy and churn your stomach especially the roller coaster with that 360 degrees loop, hehehe. I am not a thrill seeker you know. Your kids enjoyed those rides though. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

Dhemz said... was a fun experience though...:)

Momgen said...

We will enjoy that...and i know you all have fun...

mine is here

Lainy said...

Weeeee! Nawala ang comment ko dito, huhuhu! Anyways, type ko nalang uli, lOL!

These are lovely photos, Rose. I especially love the family portrait. Thanks for sharing them to us. I want more ;-)

Love and hugs,

darly said...

whoa, that is quite a ride- i'd definitely enjoy that

enjoy the rest of the week, he're my OT entry for this week

anne said...

This is the best grand vacation ever, hehehe I just hope we can also visit disneyland.

Roger Owen Green said...

I'd go there...someday.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Cheryl said...

Lots of gorgeous orange. Looks like you and the kids had a good time even if you did get scared.

Linnea said...

A great day of family fun! Thanks for stopping by my WW.

Shengkay said...

Wish I could try that ride too..
nahihilig ako sa extreme mommy..
thanks for joining!
absent ka po ata this week sa OT?
have a nice day!

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