My husband's Aunt and her husband who lives in Ohio, visited my FIL last week. John's cousin, Robert, the son of one of my FIL's sister came with them.
They stayed the whole day of Wednesday last week which gave most of us the time to catch up with them.
We've planned to visit them in Ohio a while back but it wasn't realized due to our porch's renovation and other school activities. Dad was very happy that they came over and stayed a while. Dad, Aunt Peg, Aunt Shirley (Dodge County, WV), and Aunt Rosalie (Georgia) are the only living among the twelve of them.
Aunt Peg is such a kind hearted and loving woman. She always have a smile in her face which gives you joy every time you see and talk to her.
Aunt Peg, Uncle Wes, and Robert, thank you for visiting us! It lifted the heavy feeling that we all have with Dave's condition. Thanks to all for including my BIL in your prayer.