Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt 2013

Some Fil-Am (Filipino-American) families who live in the area invited us for an Easter Egg Hunt Party yesterday. It was held at Starvaggi Park & Recreation in Weirton.  It was unfortunate that the rain won't stop so we just scattered the eggs  inside the pavilion.  
Our priest also came and spent time with us.  Some families came all the way from Pittsburgh and Ohio.
Aside from egg hunt, there was also a piƱata filled with candies.  So just imagine how much candies we have now at home lol.  There were prizes too for the egg hunters.  Ms. Burrito gathered the most eggs so she had extra prizes.  Thanks to Mommies Norie and  Agnes, we all had  fun!
I hope that you too had a good Easter Celebration!

15 travelers' comments:

SmilingSally said...

Thanks for sharing these happy blues.

Happy Blue Monday, Rose.

Melinda Dunne said...

It looks like you had a wonderful day. I love the pinata it looks really neat.

Mharms said...

Not so much fun here. I was sick yesterday and still not feeling well today. We missed the worship service and my little girl missed the Egg Hunt :(

Nova said...

oh nice post. thanks for sharing on what you did during the awesome weekend...

it shows how fun you guys are

Trendy Cyndie said...

Love all the pics! What a beautiful family! thanks for sharing your Easter with all of us!

Ralph said...

Easter egg hunts are almost as fun for the parents too - of course we hope the kids find a lot of them. But we like to see them hard at the hunt with a lot or a few eggs...

Taty said...

Great photos
Glad you had a great tome

Anonymous said...

That looks like you all had a great time. I love Easter Egg hunts, this year was my youngest sons first one and it was great.

Lina Gustina said...

Though the weather didn't support, it seems that parents and kids still enjoyed the moment :)

cassandrasminicorner said...

That's good to know that despite of rain, the kids still had the fun hunting for eggs!

Makoy said...

That looks fun. So many eggs did the kids get? Kids must be happy with the prizes that they received.

Unknown said...

surely, the rain can't stop a fun and happy event. pass some candies, please :)

Erin said...

Looks like you all had an awesome time on Easter!! :)

Diane said...

Sounds like you had a good day. Have a good day. Diane

Ingrid said...

Easter is so funny when kids are around ! We spent a boring Easter, we were both sick and couldn't go to Amsterdam and visit little grandson !

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