My kids are bumming out that we have been having rains for the past few days. The last time we had fun was when we went to the woods and then we rode our bikes in the neighborhood. So to avoid boredom, I scheduled us to read everyday and I also teach them household chores such as doing laundry and cooking.

Ms. Burrito is very proud that she can make pancake by herself now and the little boy is also proud that he can make rice now. I also taught him how to properly do laundry so that's what occupying them inside the house. They also have one hour time for doing arts and crafts in their room. This summer would involve outdoor fun and indoor learning for my kids and me.
16 travelers' comments:
What a great idea to teach the children household chores at an early age. Hopefully they will find they are fun and will enjoy what they are doing. Diane
Actually these types of activities really help to improve kids mind. When I was a child I had the same good feeling, when my mother was engaging with me to do fun things with me. Your idea is great.
I think I need to teach my kids some house chores too :D
last summer vacation I thought the my son how to wash dishes as he is eager to learn, when we were kids we were taught to do the house chores
That was I did for my son too he's helping me do the laundry and dishes I appreciated as a mommy which is good kid can learn at early age. Good jod for your kids.
Biking is indeed fun. I feel horrible when my son's bike got stolen :(
I envy you mommy for knowing how to ride a bike. I never had riding a bike in my life. I wish I knew how. That was fun though riding a bike with your kids...
Kids should really be discipline and train at a younger age. I am proud of you mommy for teaching your kids different activities specially the household chores.
That's a great outdoor fun of you guys! I am also a bike owner way back home but here my DH won't allow me, I wonder when can I ride a bike again.
Happy biking! :)
So, it's summer! There are hundred and one ways to celebrate it with the family. I really hope I can become a WAHM someday so I get to spend my time with my family too. Enjoy your outdoor activities!
Glad your kids are having fun both indoor and outdoor.
It's so nice that the kids love to help you out :)
I wish I could go for a bike with my daughter too. Nice bonding..
That's wonderful they're learning in such young age good job mom!
Teaching the children household chores is a nice thing to do. That will teach them independence and responsibility.
It's nice to join the kids in learning and fun times
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