When it comes to doing things that she really likes, Ms. Burrito has a lot of patience. One of her favorite past time is stacking this dominoes and she would do it over and over again until she achieve the desire position for it that she want it to be.

The funny thing is, the little boy can't wait till she finishes because he loves knocking them down lol.
14 travelers' comments:
Cool! :)
Kudos to you, Ms. Burrito! Wish I'm as patient as you are!
patience is a virtue indeed...minsan ala akong patience..hehehe! musta na manang ko?
hope all is well..thanks sa dalaw pala...been awhile!
that is so cool. she and AJ are the same, so patient when stacking things. AJ did playing cards and I thought it was so cool.
Good job pretty rylie, si Kyla ko walang patience nainit agad ulo pag hindi makuha. That's one thing she needs to learn ..
That is one cool hobby!
Wow! Way to go hehehhe. Kids love stocking up things and it's a huge accomplishment if they did it right.
Love it Ms. Burrito, you look very patience ladies.
Your little lady is really pretty. It's nice that she she practice patience already.:)
She's very patient I tell yah. Same with AJ and Roan, Wrozlie is not into stacking stuff, Roan is also good at building legos.
She is such a cutie!
Oh wow, you definitely need patience to build it to stack it as high as that! :P oh and the best part is always knocking it down! :D hehe
Wow she must have a very steady hand. have a good day Diane
Haha! I wish I'd have a baby boy, too who would pester my daughter when playing. :)
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