With technology looking more appealing to kids these days, it can be hard to get them to play outside. They need a good incentive to put down the console. Telling them to go outside to play to stay fit does not always work. You have to give them a reason that is fun.
Take them on an adventure
Bring their favourite adventure book to life or game if they don't like books. Replay their favourite characters discovering something. For Harry Potter fans, why not pretend you are Hagrid taking them through the forbidden forest at night. All you need is a torch and your imagination.
The outdoor vacation
Camping is known to bring families closer together and on most camping sites, technology is a no go zone. There is no Wi-Fi and there is a no power socket. Teach you kids how to survive in the wilderness and go hiking. Feed their imaginations and reap the rewards when they start inventing their own games to play. Another great activity is cycling, though it can be hard to find the perfect bike for your kids. For ideas check out, http://www.merida.com.au/.
The photo safari
This is where you slip in some science. Teach them about wildlife by taking photos and sightseeing. They will marvel at the animals and they will perk with interest. Just be ready to answer a lot of questions. Then at the end of it, help them make a scrapbook of their photos. Treat them like little explorers.

Treasure hunts
Kids love Easter hunts, so why not have another in the middle of the year? You could hide toys instead of chocolate. This will help teach them geography and science. Also navigation skills. If you're not artistic, get your kids to draw a map of their neighbourhood and then implement your treasure hunt. At least they'll be able to understand their maps.
Build a bird house
This is a great alternative if you can't have pets. Get your kids involved and let them help design the house. This will encourage them to be compassionate towards others because they need to leave food in order to see any birds.
Apart from science, gardening can teach them about healthy living. Tell them about the importance of nutrition and food sustainability. Gardening is also a good hobby to nurture because they are getting vitamin d and fresh air.
Dirt improves their immune system
Whether it is sand, mud or just plain dirt. By exposing your kids to a myriad of bacteria, their immune systems will get stronger. Let them dig around in the sand pit or garden.
Night time adventures
There is a lot for them to learn about by taking a night time stroll. You can tell those stories about the constellations, the moon and nocturnal animals. The stars are full of history. Such as the origins of the zodiac constellations and Orion's belt. These stories can inspire them to draw, read and do craft. As for the moon, encourage them to keep track of the moon phrases.
18 travelers' comments:
Yes, nowadays Kids loves to sit and play in front of computers. Its good to make them to go outside and explore the World. I'm sure, they like playing in sand :)
exploring outside the home and having fun is such a great activities for kids and I prefer most than those techie play
Very nice activities for the children. I love it!
These are great outdoor activities. It's important for kids to move around and enjoy the nature. Technology is good but having fun outside is more memorable for the little kids.
So true, kids need to explore the world and not just dwell on technology. Love the busy photos here!your kiddos are lucky to have you as parents.
As much as possible take them out of the house so they don't stay glued in front of gadgets...great tips! Your kids are really having fun as seen in the photos!
We does that make them tired outdoors so they're relax indoors hehe
I hope that this winter it would not be that cold that my son and i will enjoy playing at the snow. Definitely this is a great outdoor things to do with the kids.
those are all nifty ideas! me + my little man really need to spend more time outdoors. the problem is am not sure where we can go to spend more time under the sun. there are hardly parks around. My best bet is to bring the little man to visit my parents graves at the memorial, so he can freely run around and explore there.
KIds do need to have fun so going out on trips and adventure is good for their own experience and growth.. plus, they get to enjoy and bond things with you too!
I always encourage Ykaie to go outside and play. I think I should encourage her to help in the garden too.
Love this article! Although it's actually the opposite for my kids. They're always raring to go out but we often are just stuck inside our home. We only do get to go out during weekends when their Papa does not have to go to the office.
My kids love playing outside.:) they love running and playing, i hope it won't change.
For me, gardening is the best for kids to learn and enjoy.
These are good tips. Kids need to go out enjoy their childhood without the intervention of technology.
Good thing you instilled in your kids the beauty of the outdoors while they're still young, they'd forever treasure them as they grow old :)
it is a good thing to educate them and send them outside so they can enjoy the beauty of nature
I don't have kids but I will recommend these tips to my Tita. Thanks for sharing!
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