Just some fun-cam moment with my daughter before we went to church last Sunday. The men at home are not camera friendly these days so it is just me and daughter that is always having fun in front of the camera. Oh well, I think when they look at our albums, they will ask themselves, "Where were we in all those times?" lol.

Wow, two more weeks and 2013 will be a history. What fun times did you and your family do this year? Ours included the Texas Trip visiting our friends in San Antonio and exploring their city and Corpus Cristi. We also did some road trips to Ohio and West Virginia. Hopefully, next year will be as fun as this year, God-willing.
18 travelers' comments:
Yup, its good to capture the moments. It brings cheers when we look at these pictures later.
You ladies are very adorable and photogenic.<3
Awww, well documented! Merry Christmas to you and your family, sis!
good for you sis because you have your daughter ...in the house if my boys aren't in mood, i don't have a choice but to do some selfie..he..he...Merry Christmas to you:) this mother and daughter tandem is always the best:)
Rylie's top is very elegant and it suits her..
Happy Holidays my wonderful systah of my Bloggie World.
Been lazy & busy at D´Box... though lang bisita. Colds seems here. AY!
Hope you all had a great Christmas and a bountiful NY to come.
GB & hugs,
/CC girl
Lovely - two lovely woman, hihi. <3
You have a lot of bonding from your family and your joyous moment speaks it all. Merry Christmas!
There are a lot of fun times I can recall for his year as well. Hopefully, there will be more to do next year. Merry Christmas sis and your entire family! You look so slim! :)
Re: Triz learns guitar thru the Daddy. But most of the times, she learns all by herself. We would just get amazed and in awe when we can hear her play a song correctly. :)
I know! It seems like it was just yesterday when we had our January 2013 and now 2014 is coming pretty soon. Oh boy! We have ups and downs with our 2013 and I feel blessed though because my prayers were heard. I can't wait for 2014 because I will finally work. I just got hired and I will start working in a couple of weeks :D
Sis, isn't it a treat to have a daughter who can join us in our fun-cam moments? Ms. Burrito is surely a happy poser! :)
Moments like this one are forever treasured. Your daughter will surely look back to all these wonderful bonding moments with you. :-)
Mommy and daughter bonding made more fun! One of the best things in life! Stripey stripes for lucky luck! ^_^
I love both your poses!
Here's to an awesome 2014 for all of us! :)
Aww. Posing for the camera is like your bonding moment with your daughter Ate Rose. LOL! I can totally relate when it comes to taking pictures with the men of our house, they're so killjoy! hahahaha.
Wow your Christmas tree is huge! My holidays involved spending time with my family and gift giving. :)
Hee I like your outfit! Me was trying to find a top that is stripey too for New Year! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family!
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