Our family love to travel and we also love going on a road trips. Roadtrips are fun but I can't help but to feel bad with our main driver, my husband. I don't like to drive and certainly not comfortable with it so when we go on a road trips, he is the only one that drives. Luckily, my husband is a really good driver so I am at ease when we are on the road. Let me share some of o the road trips that we have done in the past.

In 2013, we have decided to see some scenic spots in our own state, Wild and Wonderful, West Virginia. We went to see the Black Water Falls. It was raining when we arrived at the place so we were kind of slow in exploring the place. The rain did not stop us to see the beautiful Falls though.
After seeing the Black Water Falls, we went to see the beautiful Ceneca Rocks then we headed to see the Ceneca Cavern but unfortunately, we got lost and it was late when we arrived there and did not catch the last trip that take people to the actual cave. We missed to see the cave so we are planning to go back there and explore its beauty. That was our biggest mistaken we should have went to the cave first before the Falls but that was the lesson we learned on that road trip.
We also went to Cleveland Ohio in July 2013 on our daughter's 8th birthday. We went to the Cleveland Museum of Arts then went to the beach afterwards.
Last year, we had the chance to see one of the beautiful lakes in Pennsylvania, the Lake Arthur Regata. Coincidentally, it was a rainy day too. I don't know, with our luck, we always get rain on our road trips. The funny thing is, we always look at the weather advisory b and make sure that the weather is great but somehow, the rain wants to be with us.
Thankfully, it was beautiful when we had our long drive going to Ocean City in Maryland last year.
Traveling is one pleasure that a lot of people like to do. When going to a place that isn't familiar to you, it is best to to know beforehand all the things that you need to know. You can check out the travelers guide to driving etiquette especially if you are planning to travel abroad.
The most important part when traveling is the safety of everyone. Make sure to gather as much information as you can before you go. Another thing is, take pictures so you can share your travel with family and friends through pictures.

32 travelers' comments:
North America have lot to offer when it comes to scenic view. More than anything else, travelling to other places gives fun and enjoyment.
Beautiful places and beautiful photos. You've been to a lot of places. My family likes to go on road trips as well.
Our family also loves to go on a road trip out of town because of the scenic views that we seldom see in the city. It is really important for the driver to always stay on the safe side of the road and practice defensive driving.
I love your travel pictures Sis. They all turned out beautiful especially the family photos. I wish my husband loves to travel. The only way we travel is going to my in-laws camp which is only two hours drive.
Looks like you've had a lot of road trips recently. I only drive when hubby's not here but when he is, he's also our designated driver.
We just went on a roadtrip from Boston to DC, but unfortunately there wasn't a heck of a lot of scenery along the way. We still had a good trip, though.
Road trips are so much fun! We once drove from SC to Maine, stopping along the way to take in the sights. It's a trip that my kids still talk about today. We had the most fun!
I live in Ohio and every time I cross the bridge to WVA I sing Almost Heaven lol! It looks like you guys have had some great trips! I don't mind driving, but I do mind rude drivers!
Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures! Sounds like you had a fun and safe trip. Especially like the sunset picture.
The furthest I've ever driven is from one end of Washington (state) to the other. Thankfully things aren't much different like that! If I ever go to another country, the first I want to go to is Japan... so I will likely just avoid driving and just look into public transit!
Driving is always my least favorite part, it can get really tiring and boring at times. But the sights you see are so worth it, you get to experience a lot of the world! Road trips are very fun!
Wow, you captured some amazing photos. I went to the Cleveland Art Museum when I visited my daughter one time too.
Visiting scenic spots that are near your home is really great. It's like being a tourist in your own place and just admiring the beauty of nature. Of course, safety first! :)
I remember going on long road trips with my family as a kid and it was always so fun to see the sights. When I moved from Eastern Canada out to Toronto we drove a Uhaul for almost 21 hours straight to get there! Looking back - that was just nuts! lol
I love road trips, but I've been terrified of the other drivers! They're getting worse and worse!
Thank you so much, this is great to know! I'm not very well travelled yet but I want to be prepared for when I do.
I hate driving, not because of my own driving but because of other people. My car always seems like a target for them!
I've been to Ohio but don't remember seeing that bridge, lol! Great pics...road trips are always so fun!
What bridge Lisa? Yep, road trips are always fun!
Now you making me want to travel! I so need a holiday... Great pics, I love road trips.
Road trips is so much fun with family. Don't worry sis, my husband does all the driving so don't feel guilty i'm in your side ;)
We love road trips too and I'm as lucky as you because my husband too is a very good driver! Love your photos, such beautiful places you've been to.
My husband prefers to drive. He loves the rain so he wioud be happy with a rainy road trip.
I'm like you I hate to drive on road trips but I always end up driving. Thanks for the tips.
I love going on road trips! We don't go often but when we do so much fun.
Road trips are a lot of fun to go on. We try to have two drivers so we can have a break and share the driving.
We like going on road trips too when we can. I do the driving though, I don't like when others are behind the wheel.
There are really so many amazing things to see across this country! From the looks and sound of it, you've seen a lot of really aweseme things!! We need to get out and travel more.
What a great vacation!! I have lived here my whole life and am just now getting out and seeing some of my great country!
We are planning a big road trip/vacation for the end of July covering most of the Plains states. The kids are really excited about it. We enjoy getting out and seeing the country instead of just flying over it, although now with 5 kids, flying isn't really an option anyway....
Road trips are a great way to see the country. There are so many things you'd missby flying. Taking pictures along the way is a big one.
Road trips are always fun especially when you are with your family. :)
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