First, make your house appear lived in. Burglars look for homes that stay dark and quiet for a couple of days. Ask a neighbor to get your mail and pick up your newspaper every day. Remind them to check the front door for flyers or door hangers that could be an indication of an empty house. You could also ask your neighbor to park their car in your driveway for a few hours each day. If possible, install motion sensor lights or lights on a timer that will turn on from time to time.
Second, take necessary maintenance precautions, especially if you are going on vacation for an extended period of time. Have an inspector check out your home a few weeks before your scheduled departure date. You should have plenty of time to address any maintenance issues before you go. Being prepared for a home maintenance disaster is much less costly than reacting to the issue after the damage has been done. Have the inspector check the roof for any leaks or cracks. Hire some roofers to fix any problems as quickly as possible to avoid further damage. Inspect windows, gutters, and downspouts for cracks and debris buildup. Before you leave, unplug any unnecessary devices to avoid utility expenses as well as reduce the risk of something happening.
Lastly, notify all necessary individuals or organizations about your absence. Notify your credit card company that you will be going out of town. Talk with a trusted neighbor about keeping an eye on your home. Give them the necessary contact information to get in touch with you if you need to be reached during your vacation.
Following these steps before leaving for vacation will allow you to enjoy a worry-free and relaxing holiday with family and friends.
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