Thursday, March 31, 2022
Our Trip to Charleston, WV

Top 5 Home Maintenance Tasks You Should Not Neglect
Home maintenance is essential, but it can sometimes feel like a chore. It is easy to put things off and let things fall through the cracks. However, neglecting maintenance tasks can have disastrous consequences. If you own your home, you are keeping it in good shape. However, maintaining a home is not easy, especially if many things need to be managed. If you have let some maintenance tasks slide, it is time to take action. Read about the top 5 home maintenance tasks you should not neglect.
Your plumbing system is a critical component of your home. It is the system that provides you with water and waste removal. If something goes wrong with your plumbing, you will be in trouble. Plumbing issues can cause flooding or, worse, sewage backup. If you have a problem, don't hesitate to call a professional. All too often, homeowners try to fix it themselves, only for the issue to worsen and become more costly.
HVAC system
The HVAC system is the most expensive appliance in your home. That is why it's essential to keep it running correctly and not neglect it. An HVAC system that is old or not running properly can cause your utility bills to skyrocket and make your home uncomfortable. Checking in on the system as often as possible will help you avoid paying higher than necessary utility bills.
Electrical wiring
A home's electrical wiring is an integral part of the building. Electricity is needed for everything from powering lights to heating and cooling your home. A significant issue with electrical wiring can lead to a house fire. If you smell something burning in your home, it could be because of the electrical wiring.
Talk to a professional if you don't know anything about electrical wiring. They will be able to inspect the system and figure out what needs to be done to fix any problems. If repairs are required, they will get them done as quickly as possible so that your family stays safe and your home doesn't result in a fire hazard.
Gutters and downspouts
Gutters and downspouts are a vital part of keeping your home clean. They catch the water that would otherwise spill over the foundation of your house, which can quickly lead to mold, mildew, and other types of sicknesses.
Take care to routinely inspect your gutters and downspouts for clogs or leaks and undertake gutter cleaning when required. You should also be sure to replace them quickly when necessary. This is one home maintenance task you should not neglect because it will save you from trouble in the future.
Dryer vents
Dryer vents are the number one cause of house fires. It is essential to have your dryer vent cleaned every year by a professional. If you have pets or kids, this is even more important. A clogged dryer vent can lead to a fire that you may not be able to put out on your own.
How to Take Care of Your Dog's Health and Wellbeing
Dogs make the perfect companions and enrich the lives of their human owners in many ways. While owning a dog brings so much joy, it is vital to ensure your dog is as happy and healthy as possible. Taking the best care of your dog involves looking after both their physical health and mental wellbeing. Looking after your dog well will help ensure they stay in the best health and don’t experience emotional issues such as separation anxiety. If you want to keep your dog healthy and protect their wellbeing, these tips should help make that happen:
Choose the Best Food
Keeping your dog healthy starts by providing them with the best nutrition. Feeding your pet high-quality dog food can significantly affect their health and longevity, so it is worth carrying out some research to find the best food. Different breeds and sizes of dogs have different nutritional needs, so speaking with your veterinarian to establish the best diet for your pet is crucial. There are some great dog foods available at supermarkets, such as walmart fresh dog food, so finding the perfect food for your pet will not be a problem. Monitoring your dog’s weight and ensuring they are within the correct range for their breed and life stage is essential and is something your vet will be able to advise you on.
Visit the Vet Regularly
Keeping your pet in the best health requires you to visit your vet regularly. If you notice any signs of illness in your pet, it is crucial to get this checked out quickly so that the problem is dealt with quickly before it worsens. Sometimes it can be challenging to spot the signs of illness in a pet as they cannot communicate. Looking out for changes in behavior is a helpful way to recognize the signs of something not being right. So, if you detect that your dog is acting out of character, it is essential to check that there is no underlying problem causing the issue. As well as having their health checked, it is also necessary to keep up with your dog’s vaccines. Taking your dog for their regular boosters will help keep them protected from a range of illnesses.
Make Time for Exercise
As well as seeing the vet regularly and feeding your dog a healthy diet to keep them at the correct weight, it is also crucial that they get enough exercise. How much exercise your dog needs varies depending on their breed. Puppies may not be able to handle as much activity as a young adult dog, as too much physical exertion may take its toll on their developing joints. Looking at the recommended guidelines for your dog’s breed and age is an excellent way to determine how much physical activity they need each day. But, exercise does not have to solely involve taking your dog for walks. Enjoying playtime in the backyard is also a beneficial way to keep your pet active and help you bond.
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
US Holocaust Memorial Museum
Here's the timeline of the German expansion.
There are some old pictures that were displayed on the wall.
I can't remember what this. Some of the display in the museum either has writing information or there is an audio that they play to describe what you're seeing.
I remember watching the movie about Anne Frank and I thought that was scary but touring this place really put me into deep appreciation of how free we live compared to the scary situation they all had back then.
This illustration of the gassing was the worst for me.
The model of an Aushwitz gas chamber and crematorium illustrated above. This four gas chambers and crematorium was constructed at Auschwitz-Birkenau after 1942 represent Nazi mass murder in its most industrialized form. Each of the four facilities could kill and incinerate an average of 1000 victims per day. About 1 million Jews and thousands of non-Jewish victims were killed in the gas chambers. This model of crematorium created by Polish artist Mieczslaw Stobierski, illustrates the steps of the murder process.
I can't remember the details of this display but I think it has something to do with the tagging or coding.
Staying Fit While Travelling
Getting out and about, travelling, and seeing the world can be extremely motivating and uplifting — and can add a huge amount of excitement, adventure, and “spice” to life as a whole.
But for the fitness enthusiasts of the world, travel can often seem like something of a mixed blessing. After all, what if you’ve been lifting consistently in the gym day after day for a prolonged period of time, have been taking workout-supporting STEEL supplements, and are now worried that your gains will evaporate into the blue while you’re on your vacation?
Some people opt to try and find local gyms in their destination that they can visit in order to keep their pump on, but for many others this won’t be either a practical or desirable solution.
Here are some good suggestions for staying fit while travelling.
Explore the world of calisthenic training
There’s a vast world of calisthenic and bodyweight training out there that the average heavy-lifter knows little if anything about. But if you doubt that bodyweight training alone can yield gains, just take a look at Olympic Men’s Gymnastics champions.
Working on a calisthenic program that helps you to get towards a one armed pushup, or that boosts your flexibility and the strength of your tendons and supporting tissues, can be massively rewarding.
Best of all, in most cases you won’t need any equipment in order to follow these kinds of routines — except, potentially, a pull-up bar (but a door frame or tree branch might work too).
Use the opportunity to try some unconventional training approaches, such as isometrics, to see how they impact your gym lifts when you get back home
There are a lot of different training methodologies that were once popular but which fell out of mainstream fashion, that could be worth trying out — especially when you’re travelling and don’t have access to your usual workout equipment.
Isometrics exercises that involve pressing against, or pulling, an immovable object have the potential to boost muscle recruitment and to strengthen connective tissues. Bruce Lee famously did isometric exercises and advocated for them.
Or how about the old-school bodybuilder posing routine staple known as the “Stomach Vacuum” which requires exceptional ab strength?
Or how about even doing some yoga or Pilates exercises?
Trying unconventional training methodologies while travelling, and seeing how they affect your workouts when you get home, can be very eye-opening and fun.
Take full advantage of the opportunity to do a lot of walking each day
Walking is a great form of low-medium intensity cardiovascular exercise, and it has the added effect of burning a significant number of calories, too.
Many travel destinations, and many forms of travel — such as backpacking — naturally include lots of walking, or at least have the potential to include lots of walking.
Taking full advantage of the opportunity to walk more can help you to feel good, to boost your cardiovascular health and fitness, and to experience body composition benefits as well.
Thursday, March 24, 2022
American and Natural History Museum in DC
I love going and visiting arts center and museums. There's so much you can learn from in those places.
Old stuff in museums amazes me. You get to see things that don't exist or use anymore.
Like this one.
You can tell the youngsters are tired and were just sitting around waiting for it to be over. At this point, nothing excites them anymore lol.
This trophy was awarded to Gertrude Ederle in 1926. She's an olympic medalist and the first woman to swim the English channel. In 1920, women not only gained the right to vote but they also get to compete in amateur and professional sports.
I love this star spangled banner.